Share the Plate

Share the Plate February 23


Share The Plate

World Central Kitchen

Founded in 2010 by Chef José Andrés, World Central Kitchen (WCK) is a nonprofit organization that is first to the frontlines providing fresh meals in response to crises. Applying their model of quick action, leveraging local resources, and adapting in real time, WCK has served more than 450 million nourishing meals around the world.

When disaster strikes, WCK’s Relief Team mobilizes with the urgency of now to start cooking and serving meals to people in need. By partnering with organizations on the ground and activating a network of local restaurants, food trucks, and emergency kitchens, WCK serves comforting meals to survivors of disasters quickly and effectively. To support regional economies, WCK prioritizes purchasing local ingredients to cook with or distribute directly to families in need.

WCK knows that good food provides not only nourishment, but also comfort and hope, especially in times of crisis. Learn more at

WCK is currently working all over the world to help people in need including people affected by

  • Wildfires in So California
  • Cyclone Chide in Mayotte Island
  • Hurricane Helene, FL, GA, TN and NC
  • Conflict in Gaza and the West Bank
  • War in Ukraine

If you are in the Sanctuary on the 2/23, and wish to write out a check, make it out to the World Central Kitchen, Inc.

If you wish to donate online, go to and click the donate button

Open Pantry Collection

Open Panty LogoOur Thanksgiving Ingathering organization is Open Pantry of Greater Lowell.

At our Intergenerational Ingathering Service on Sunday November 24th we will be holding our annual food, toiletries and cash/check donations for Open Pantry in place of Share the Plate. At this service, all the money collected, along with the food and other items, will be donated to Open Pantry. NO ITEM OR AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL

Checks should be made out to Open Pantry of Greater Lowell

You can also donate on line at :

In addition to our collection during the service, we will be collecting afterward the service from 11:30 to 12:30 at main church entrance on Westford Street. You can drive-up or drop off.

Open Pantry of Greater Lowell has been serving hungry people since 1981 and First Parish was one of the original initial supporters. Hunger is always present. Nutritious, non-perishable, unexpired, packaged food items are welcome. Examples include – but are not limited to

  • canned fruits
  • canned vegetables
  • canned beef, turkey and chicken
  • tuna
  • pasta
  • soups
  • stews
  • cereals
  • powdered milk
  • mac n cheese
  • rice
  • peanut butter
  • beans

In addition, they distribute toiletries including:

  • soap
  • toilet paper
  • tissues
  • paper towels
  • toothpaste
  • shampoo

They may also provide

  • diapers
  • wipes
  • baby formula
  • baby food

and even cat/dog food when available.

Open Pantry has a very informative website:

This year, – the Ingathering collection is a collaboration between CFAM, the Council on Faith in Action Ministry and Lifespan Faith Formation. If you have questions about the collection this year, please contact Dolores~ the Faith Formation Director 978-256-5133.

Share the Plate October 24

UUA Disaster Relief Fund

Share The PlateOur Share the Plate organization for October 27th is the UUA Disaster Fund.  The scale of destruction in the wake of Hurricane Helene and Milton has been utterly devastating to many communities in the southeastern United States. Some Unitarian Universalist congregations have been seriously impacted and others are still trying to assess the damage. You can help support Unitarian Universalists and their communities as they recover from this storm by giving generously to the UUA’s Disaster Relief Fund. 

If you are in the Sanctuary on the 10/27, and wish to write out a check, make it out to the UUA, with Disaster Relief in the memo line.

If you wish to donate online, go to

Share the Plate May

Share The PlateOur Share the Plate Organization for May is the International Institute of New England (IINE).

In addition to our regular collection, we will be also be collecting hygiene items  such as:

  • toothpaste
  • razors
  • deodorant
  • shampoo
  • conditioner
  • body lotion
  • cleaning solution
  • laundry detergent.

IINE resettles hundreds of refugees each year who are fleeing persecution and conflict in their homelands. Their work with refugees forms the basis of their continuum of service. They also support asylees who are in the United States seeking political protection after fleeing persecution. These services include an Unaccompanied Children’s Program, which reunites unaccompanied Central American children with family members or sponsors living in the United States.

IINE is the oldest organization exclusively serving refugees and immigrants in New England. IINE welcomed Eastern Europeans in the 1920s and 1930s, persecuted people fleeing Europe after World War II, displaced persons from the former Soviet bloc and Cuba in the 1950s and 1960s, Cambodians and Vietnamese in the 1970s, and Central and South Americans and families from Asia, the Middle East, and Africa during the past several decades.

Members of First Parish and several other Churches and Temples in Chelmsford have been involved with IINE’s “Chelmsford Faith in Action Team” since 2021. The teams sets up apartments for new refugees, helps organize the IINE Lowell warehouse and does other tasks to help support IINE families.

If you are not in the service on the 26,you can donate online by following this link:

Share the Plate April

Share The PlateThe Share the Plate organization for April is the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth (UUMFE). 
In honor of Earth Day, and our Earth Day Service, we are moving Share the Plate to the third Sunday, April 21st and choosing an environmental action group as our organization.

The UUMFE works with congregations and individuals to provide the resources for the ministry, action, and connection necessary for Unitarian Universalists to collectively and effectively act to address environmental justice and the climate crisis. 

If you won’t be in the service on April 21st, or will be attending from home, you can donate online at:

Share the Plate March

Share The PlateOur Share the Plate organization for March is Special Teams for Exceptional People.

Special Teams for Exceptional People, (STEP, Inc) exists to facilitate social, recreational and sporting activities and events for children and adults with disabilities in order to instill in them confidence and self-esteem. These events and activities are inclusive to their siblings and families and are intended to teach everyone that there are no boundaries on what those with disabilities can do or achieve. Our organization serves individuals and their families from the private sector as well as those in group homes, private schools and special treatment facilities. No one is refused because of race, religion, sex, culture, nationality, ethnic origin or financial ability.

Volunteers in STEP, Inc range from coaching to fundraisers to social events such as dances. STEP, Inc. believes that all persons, regardless of their disability, have the right to enjoy the same full range of sporting and socialization opportunities which others in their community enjoy. Our parent coaches provide guidance and support to each person who desires to “STEP” into a more fulfilling life.

STEP, Inc. is an all-volunteer organization

IF you will be watching the service from home on March 24th, you can donate on the STEP, Inc site: and click the Donate button