Our Share the Plate organization for March is Special Teams for Exceptional People.
Special Teams for Exceptional People, (STEP, Inc) exists to facilitate social, recreational and sporting activities and events for children and adults with disabilities in order to instill in them confidence and self-esteem. These events and activities are inclusive to their siblings and families and are intended to teach everyone that there are no boundaries on what those with disabilities can do or achieve. Our organization serves individuals and their families from the private sector as well as those in group homes, private schools and special treatment facilities. No one is refused because of race, religion, sex, culture, nationality, ethnic origin or financial ability.
Volunteers in STEP, Inc range from coaching to fundraisers to social events such as dances. STEP, Inc. believes that all persons, regardless of their disability, have the right to enjoy the same full range of sporting and socialization opportunities which others in their community enjoy. Our parent coaches provide guidance and support to each person who desires to “STEP” into a more fulfilling life.
STEP, Inc. is an all-volunteer organization
IF you will be watching the service from home on March 24th, you can donate on the STEP, Inc site:
https://www.stepinc.us/home.html and click the Donate button