At First Parish, we believe the best way to get to know us is to join us, not just on Sunday, but during the rest of the week. Whether you want to help those in need, share your musical talent, deepen your own spiritual growth, or if you are jus looking for social connections, we have activities for you you not only enrich your own journey, but help you get to know us too.
Below is small selection of what we are doing this winter. To learn about other activities and events happening, check out the Calendar, the Newsletter, and contact the Church Office to sign up for the Church newsletters

Cook, Eat, and Chat
We COOK lunch together, We EAT together, and then we CHAT about UU… love, values, etc..
Join us!

We have two vocal choirs, once for adults and one for youth, as well as a Handbell Choir and an Instrument Ensemble

Grounds Crew
The Grounds Crew handles all of the gardening tasks at First Parish. Mowing or mulching, We always welcome more willing hands.

Feed the Hungry
At First Parish we have 2 groups that work in the community to help feed those who need it: Community Table and Table of Plenty.

Small Group Ministry
Our Small Groups consist of 6-10 people that meet once a month and are a great way to get to know members of our community more deeply.

Social Hour
Social Hour is a great way to meet the First Parish Community. Helping out at Social Hour is an easy way to get to know us better.