At First Parish we have 2 groups that work in the community to help feed those who need it: Community Table and Table of Plenty.
Our Community Table team serves the food insecure folks in Lowell. Community Table provides lunch at the Salvation Army in Lowell every Saturday. Our team serves once a month at the Salvation Army in Lowell, but the jobs can also include shopping the day before, and food preparation in our kitchen here in Chelmsford in addition to serving in Lowell. For more information about Community Table, contact Rose Lerer.
Table of Plenty serves a meal every Tuesday evening at the Senior Center in Chelmsford, and our First Parish Team serves on once every other month. The meals are offered to anyone who comes by, regardless of need, and are a fun social outing. Jobs include setup, serving and cleanup, and can take up to 2 hours or so, from 3:30 to 7:00 depending on the job. For more information about the First Parish Team, contact Frans Janssen. For more information about Table of Plenty, visit the ToP website