Adult Faith Formation

Lifespan Faith Formation Small Groups: Connect, Engage, Belong

It’s all about connections-to each other, to ourselves…Building community is to the collective as spiritual practice is to the individual. -Grace Lee Boggs

First Parish offers many different Faith Formation opportunities for adults, which vary each year.  These provide  opportunities for spiritual, social justice/action, and religious based discernment as an exploration of Unitarian Universalism. 


Small Group Gatherings are the sacred spaces in between, where we take a moment to reflect and connect with others and ourselves. Beyond all the ways to engage at FPCC there are:

FPCC has Women’s Groups; Two Men’s Groups (one 55+); Sacred Circle Spiritual Group*; Retirees, 70’s plus Group*; Cook, Eat, Chats; Friday Night Families Game Night 7pm.   All Ages Family Jam Band, 2nd Sunday afternoons; Once a month Evening UU family Potluck Dinners at 6pm beginning November 3rd.                              

 If interested, or if you know of someone who might be interested in joining or starting a Small Group, Contact: or Phone/Text: 978-690-8333-Dolores,LFFD

  • Small Groups: 
  • Sacred Circles: 4th Tuesday of the month, Time: 7pm 
  •  The objective of the group is to create a Sacred Circle Spiritual Small Group in our church. 
  • A welcoming space to all who are looking for respite from the mundane world. 
  • A simple space to meet & welcome spiritual perspectives and conversations through a welcoming UU lens. At this time, the group will be in person only. 

Retirees, 70’s plus Small Group Meet & Greet                 

February 16, 2025 at Noon –This month Tell Me Your Story!                                                                                                         contact What matters is YoUU being here!

Monthly Gatherings: 2nd or 3rd Sundays at Noon ~ Lunch will be served!

Tea Time & Games: every Wednesday at 4pm. RSVP please…

 Retiring, 70’s, 80’s and beyond… (or you feel like you are?)           

retired or retiring…        

Come and join us! Aging is arguably the most common and complex transformation we face. Regardless of what age we are.   It simply never gets easier to move through the stages of our lives. But… we also know that two things in particular help: Stepping back to notice and name what is happening inside us and drawing wisdom from others who have already navigated the stage we are facing. Support and find ways to share and mentor those that follow.

Let’s Chat About It…The purpose of the group is to connect, participate, engage, support each other and others with the gifts, that we are. Tell your story. Do Something About It! Meet & Greets will be monthly and email to share group related events will be distributed per request to                                                                             




Cook, Eat and Chat!  

First Cook, Eat, and Chat January 25, 2025                          From 11am  to 2pm

We Cook lunch together, We EAT together, and then we CHAT about UU… love, values, etc. 

Interested in being “the Chef of the Day” or to be on this event email list please contact

What is Cook, Eat and Chat? Having a great time in the UU Spirit of camaraderie!

How does it work?

1. Cook: One person volunteers to be the “chef of the day” ahead of time. “The ‘chef of the day’ plans a meal where all those who are able to participate cooking help out making the meal. (Those that can’t participate in actual cooking can help with plate setting, etc. Brown bag lunch welcome if concerned with allergies.)

 Eat: Then everyone sits down at the table together to enjoy the meal  (including the chef.)

 Chat: Open UU/FPCC oriented/compatible topic.