First Parish Chelmsford is located at 2 Westford St, Chelmford, MA, 01824 – the large, white church in Chelmsford Center with the town clock in the steeple.
We have a very small parking lot next to the church on Westford Street. We try to keep the limited spaces in this lot avaliable for newcomers, visitors, families with young children and those who need to use our handicapped parking spaces. So, if you are new to us please feel free to use this lot.Â
In addition to the church parking lot, parking is available:
- At the intersection of North Road (Route 4) and Academy Street, turn downhill into the small one-way street to Number 9, North Road, beside the small public garden.
- Behind Number 10 North Road – Lampert, Hauser, Rodman
- There is some additional on-street parking on Westford Street and in the center of town.Â
- In the public lot behind the Fiske House/Santander Bank (entrance on Rt 129 just past the intersection)
The town has requested that we do not use the spaces behind the Chelmsford Center for the Arts (CCA). Please also respect the requests from the owners of 6 North Road, Brickhouse Pizza, Gingerale Plaza and the strip mall by the CCA not to park on their properties.