The Online Auction begins Monday, March 10th at 9am – get ready to bid! You have until Friday, March 14th at 9pm to win. You can see items and register ahead of time at the link below. If you registered last year, check your account to make sure your info is up to date. You will get an email prompt to increase your bid if someone outbids you.
Items won in the Online Auction and items for the Live Auction and Raffles need to be dropped off at the church on Saturday, March 15, the day of the auction. Please try to bring items between 11 – 2, so we have time to sort and bag winnings. If you must bring items earlier, you can do so this Sunday, March 9. If you absolutely need another time, contact Theresa P. to set it up.
Sunday evening, March 9 is the last possible time to give Theresa donation information! Please be responsible for your contribution. Also, check your items online to make sure all info is correct. We are doing well with donations now! If you want to use the online form for donations, the link is below.
The Live Auction begins at 7pm on March 15th. You will check in to get your bidding number. We will have complimentary snacks and beverages. Two new auctioneers are stepping up this year – they should be funny, and we expect some spirited bidding. Live Auction items will be available for perusal before bidding starts. Hopefully, all items will be available for pickup during or after the Live Auction. Payment can be made by check or credit card.
Get ready to have fun! Any questions, contact Theresa P. directly.
Many thanks to everyone making this a success – big pat on the back for you! ★
New to the Church Auction: Raffle Tickets!
We are adding another level of intrigue to our standard auction event. This year, you can purchase raffle tickets and take a chance on winning your choice(s) of participating dinner events, baked goods, handmade items and more! Tickets are $5 each, $10 for 3, or $20 for 8. You choose which item(s) to put your ticket(s) in. Winning tickets will be drawn throughout the live auction. You don’t have to be present to win (but we hope you will be!). We will be selling tickets during social hour on Sundays. If you can’t make it to church to purchase your tickets, please contact Diana and we will make arrangements.